Friday, 19 August 2011

Ahoy there Scousers!

When I went to Liverpool, I remember sitting on the coach looking forward to the next three days. It was for my sister's hen weekend.
During getting ready to go out for tea, my friend arrived at mine and my friend Miss Glam's hotel room. I hadn't seen Scouser for around a year or two so was mega excited to see her again!
Following instructions, the three of us met the rest of our crew; there was twenty of us altogether, I think. Everyone looked so glamourous especially my sister, who was wearing a gorgeous pink, WAG style dress. We were dining out at the Albert Dock. Very swanky! After sitting around and waiting, a waitress went to show us to our table only to realise that I couldn't get to it due to no wheelchair access so she arranged for us to go over to the sister restaurant instead. My sister was very annoyed as she told them beforehand when booking that there was a wheelchair user with us. For the next twenty minutes or more, we spent going round the outside of the docks trying to find an entrance that I could get into. I felt really bad and sorry that it was my fault that this was happening. Eventually we found a way in and went to the place where they let us have free bottles of wine compensating for what had happened. At least we got to see all around the area of the docks in a positive note! Where we were sitting was where Richard and Judy spent many years doing This Morning show on the telly. Also the meal was lovely but very filling which was worth the wait.
The next day, saturday both me and Miss Glam awoke early so we could have some dinner in town and a little wander in the shops. We decided to go to the Red Hot World Buffet restaurant in Liverpool One. I really enjoyed it in there, too much choice to choose from!! Scouser met us in there. After going in a few shops, the three of us left to go back to the hotel so we could get ready for the night out. Unfortunately, Scouser had to leave us. The theme for the night was sailor girls. Something fun and different.
We all had to meet in my sister's room, awesome how everyone looked fab in their outfits. I felt a bit insecure compared to everyone else as they all looked amazing in their little short dresses, wishing I did in something so short and revealing like them. Anyway, walking through Liverpool town centre as a group, that boosted my confidence a little, felt like a VIP with random strangers stopping to take pictures of us. That was strange but funny!
We all stayed around Concert Square which was really nice and people were so friendly. The bars were lovely too. I had a good dance with everyone of us til I worn myself out and had to sit down. We didn’t make it to any actual night clubs though unfortunately. Being on a night out in a city is completely different to when going out in a small town normally, you don’t know your way round and it is easy to get lost. Also being on a night out here in my home town, there’s always someone that you know and see so you feel kind of safe.
The next morning we had to be out of our hotel room by midday but me and Miss Glam had another priority to attend to first. Feeling tired and hungover (I don’t drink hardly so I was okay in that aspect), we were hungry so after having all our stuff to pack then get ready, went to find a local cafĂ©
Sitting on the coach, I felt sad that we were leaving but glad to be going home to my comfy bed. Couldn’t wait to see my little cat, Pixie as I missed her. We had to stop as I needed some air, really didn’t feel too well due to lack of sleep and being on-the-go all weekend.
What a great weekend had by both myself and the rest of the crew! Liverpool, you were a great host showing us how friendly and lively the Liverpudlians are.

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Let Me Entertain You

Hey everyone!

Today, I feel able to tell you all about when I went to Manchester. I know it was a while ago since I first mentioned it to you so FINALLY, here I am!

On the 7th June 2011, me and my dad made our way to Manchester. For once, we didn't get lost but only to spend almost an hour going up and down in the lift, trying to pay for parking. Then to discover that we didn't have to pay after all with being registered disabled! I laughed.

Later that day after having a short rest at the hotel, we left to go the stadium... yes The Stadium of Manchester City FC. On the bus, we were surrounded by women (and some men) of all ages, singing Take That songs. This caused my excitement to soar through the roof!

As we stood outside the stadium, we found ourselves to be impressed with the stadium and how it looked. Just a shame that neither of us are Man City fans hah hah!

I bought my merchandise; a t-shirt, a large poster, yellow sunglasses, a hat and a programme. This is one of my favourite bits of going to concerts, buying all the official merchandise for keep-sakes.

Next minute, we were being taken to our designated seats. "Wow" was our reaction to when we sat down as both my dad and me gazed round the stadium. We were located on the right side of the stage (or if you standing on the stage in the middle, it'd be your left) and we had a good view of the B-stage in front of us almost. Something caught my eye that was unusual but I kind of expected as saw it on a preview before leaving home... it was a massive yellow man with its hands holding the top of the stage setting. Magnificant perhaps!

First on were the Pet Shop Boys who were fab! They performed some of their major hits such as West End Girls, Go West, and many more. With them were a small handful of dancers dressed in primary coloured outfits which had blocks in them. The blocks reminded me a bit of lego bricks but without the top bits that you use to connect. I thought they looked funky although very simple. I thought the PSB were a good choice made by Take That to warm the audience up ready although they don't need any help hah hah!!

Secondly and lastly to come on were Take That. Their introduction was much more fun and anticipated... a man dressed in a professors outfit appeared with a large USB cable that he plugged into this massive pretend laptop which started a countdown. Never felt a minute last so long hah hah!! Out come are Take That... but hang on Robbie wasn't with them. The four; Gary, Howard, Jason and Mark sung their greatest hits from their previous two albums. Brilliant!! When Shine was being sung, it was an Alice in Wonderland theme and there was a caterpillar... so colourful and fun.

Of course, Robbie had his own entrance and blasted some of his biggest solo songs such as Angels, Feel and many more. When he sang Let Me Entertain You, honestly, the crowd looked like a sea of waves, it slightly made me feel queasy hah hah!

Before we knew it, all five were back on together. Then they blasted out some songs like The Flood, Happy Now, Relight My Fire and ecetera. I loved it when they did Kids... the dancers were dressed as Chess pieces and there was a dance-off between Jason and Howard. Jason was the black and Howard, the white. Obviously, I was routing for the blacks to win hah hah! ;) When the fab five had a little medley section, they took the mickey out of each other which was cute but funny. Glad that they can laugh together about their pasts with booze etc although it was a bit like 'aww' at the lads.

I'm not going to go into any more detail about the show as I think you would love it if you saw it on DVD when it comes out (21st November). A few hours later and it was finished. I was ecstatic and in awe of the lads at the show they put on their fans. 

The next day, I felt tired but excited for that evening as I was seeing Take That again. This time I was going with my cousin. Anyway, when me and my dad left the hotel to go and get some dinner, we went to the Food Court.  I finally got to eat noodles out of the cardboard boxes like they do on Friends, always wanted to do this. I needed to buy another memory card for my camera as I used the one I had filming parts of the show the previous night. The weather was gorgeous!

We arranged to meet my cousin at the same Food Court and was really happy to see her again. I miss my family when I don't get to see them that often. Like me (even though I knew what to expect, I was still excited) my cousin couldn't wait to see Take That aswel!

There was one difference from the first night was that the gigantic OM actually stood right up! Believe me... it was TALL!! Magnificent in fact! The lads didn't wear the flashing lit jackets like they did the night before, but maybe that is because the OM wasn't working properly. I looked around me at the people sitting around me and their faces were amazing to see hah hah! That was me too. :)

I got to see the full ending too... they sung Eight Letters and I filmed it. The lads went into the crowd off the B-stage collected various hats, glasses etc whilst singing. Such a lovely ending to the show, I thought.

Through the whole night, it poured it down and we were kept dry. Unfortunately, we got soaked on the way home to the hotel. It was worth getting wet though. I just wanted to go back to the stadium and watch it all again hah hah!

On the last day, I didn't want to leave to go back home. Yet on the otherhand, couldn't wait to see my videos and pictures properly! I was extremely tired but wouldn't have it any other way. Also, I came down with a sore throat but maybe that was due to two nights of singing and screaming at the concert hah hah!

Forever and ever, I'll be a Thatter! I always say to peeps, even if you are not keen on the music, you can't not love and adore the production Take That put on. They're not the fastest selling tour in UK history twice for nothing!

That's it for tonight peeps. See you soon x