Monday 9 May 2011

A poem I've just written

Hi there peeps.

For the first time in a little while, I've managed to write a poem. I am sure you will at some point be able to relate to the poem in your life.

Lately I have discovered who are true to me and who mean the world. I know a lot of people but there are a few who I treasure dearly and those are my closest pals and family. I have had to endure something that was both challenging and difficult but had to think of my sanity, trust and loyalty. This poem is my way of saying goodbye to the situation.

I hope you like reading the poem, Please let me know what you think. If you would like to read any more of my collection, please just ask.

My farewell

Laid out on the blanket in the blazing sun
I muse over the times that we shared
Together we faced the world in our way
United by laughter of randomness
Days when you lifted my spirits up
These were the yesterdays of today
In a flash you threw it all far beyond
Those words you said distressed me
The things you did that hurt me deeply
Calmly I explained the pain you caused
But you couldn’t comprehend why
Unexpectedly you came running back
Found myself agonising over it all
I just knew I couldn’t endure anymore
Like a bird flying in the bright blue sky
So this is my final farewell to you.

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