Saturday 4 August 2012

Life Without Music

Life Without Music
Like many people, I have grown up with music in my life. A question I ask myself, what would life be like if music did not exist, this is my stance on what my life would be like without music.

My life would be dull; there would be nothing to release my emotion, whatever state of mind I am in at the time. I listen to music every day, from the minute I wake up to the moment I am going to bed. In the mornings, it helps me wake up, to shake off the tense, stiff muscles and to rev me up for the day. When I am getting ready to go out on a night out, again music is played, to help fire me up, dancing away in my room. It inspires me to write poetry and trying to make sense of whatever is going on in my mind.
We as a nation tend to take music for granted. It is everywhere; you cannot escape a melody or a beating drum. Just think when you switch on the television, the starting credits of your favourite programme, on the adverts (see the reference between the car and the chosen song, as an example - the Chrysler Brand Relaunch UK TV Advert 2012, it is drawing upon its gritty, urban reputation and the song (Heart of the City by Jay-Z) it is often referred to focus on urban poverty and hopelessness.
Music is a universal language. It brings people, from different countries and diverse communities together. It is all to the emotion of the music being played. Everyone goes through happiness, fear and sadness.
Throughout history, music has brought us together in unison. In 1940, the French Composer, Olivier Messiaen wrote Quartet For The End of Time. At 31 years old, France entered war against Nazi Germany. He was captured by the Germans and then imprisoned in a prisoner of war camp. Fortunately enough, he was lucky to find a sympathetic guard who gave him paper and a place to compose. Already he lined up his three fellow inmates who were musicians: a violinist, a cellist, a guitarist and a clarinetist. With all the hunger, hopelessness and dreariness, it makes you wonder how he could find the time to create such a piece but it just shows through the darkest times, music brings the people together. This shows that people turn to music for comfort.
An example of how music affects from around the world, in America, an Orthopedic Surgeon. When she was a junior doctor, during a Hip operation and the surgeon in charge requested music to be played. Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of The Moon was played and it fitted so perfectly. What with all staff dressed in the spaceman outfits, I can only imagine how incredible that must have been to witness. The beating of the anaesthetic machine and all the other sounds in the operating theatre are all forms of music.
This brings me to talk about another reason why we take music for granted, because the universe is just made up of matter vibrating at different speeds and frequencies, which in essence is music.
I think as I grow older, music will continue to be a great love in my life. As long as there is music, my life will be excited, moved and inspired. Whatever life throws at the world, music will continue to unite the world in many different ways.

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