Saturday 1 September 2012

Lack of vocabulary in music.

Just want to have a little rant! It is not like to do so... but quite frankly, there is no need for it. What am I going on about, you ask?

Well let me tell you J... firstly, I do not have a problem with swearing personally. Why do all these music artists think it’s acceptable to use bad language in their songs?!! I think it makes the song sound degrading when I hear swearing used regularly in it. There are so many negative words that could be used instead. Yes you hear swearing every day, it has become a part of the daily vocabulary and it doesn’t bother me, except for those who use it in every sentence they speak.

I have parents who are from the era where ‘your mouth should be washed out with soap!’ so yes, they don’t like hearing it. My dad does swear on the odd occasion when something has gone wrong which is appropriate unlike those who use it every other word! There is a time and a place, I feel. A good example that I can think of is, when you watch an action film, there is a lot of swearing but when you see a rom com film, there’s hardly any, that is because it totally doesn’t fit in with the situation, it is quite off putting. Do you see my point?

Back to music, music is listened to by a wide variety of people of all ages, especially children. I feel that children should not hear bad language; they pick up habits so easily and don’t necessarily know when the appropriate time and place to do things like swearing. I personally want to protect them. So I certainly wouldn’t want to hear little children singing the words like “Party and b******t”. So why swear in music?? Find proper words to use. It makes so much sense to me.

Sorry for the rant, I just needed to get it out. I just feel these record companies should take note about their influence on their younger fans.

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