Saturday 28 January 2012

The Moonlit Sky

Hello, it's 2:25am on a Sunday morning and felt like sharing another poem with you all. I'm sure most writers will feel the urges to do some writing or some random rambles at the most bazaar times of the day/night, as your mind never cease to stop ticking. You never know, one great idea that you may have, you may end up forgetting it the next day so you will do whatever it takes to jot it down while it's hot on your mind.

The poem that I want to share with you this time is called 'The Moonlit Sky'. I wrote it after feeling a little low and just wanted to escape whatever it was that was making me feel depressed. I guess we can all feel like we just want to drown our sorrows and be lazy with our appearance when life gets really tough.
All through my life, I have found being by the sea and watching the water drifting in its own course relaxing. This doesn't help the fact that I am lucky to live by the sea and I know that I can just hitch a ride over to the beach to watch my worries/stresses drift away. - please note, don't go hitch hiking on your own as we all know the dangers!

Anyway, I hope you like this poem and let know what you think of it.

'The Moonlit Sky'

Perched upon this golden sand.
Alone wearing these dreary grey overalls.
My tously rained hair pinned back.
Waterproof mascara traced down my cheeks.
Sipping this whiskey hungrily as I tremble.
My eyes heavily gaze into the ripples of the water.
Silence surrounds me under the moonlit sky.
Feeling the gentle sea breeze sends me shivers.
My mobile battery dies here beside me.
Perched upon this wet sand as the tide comes in.
My eyes slowly drift away with the sea.
Now I feel nothing but numb.

#Keep Smiling peeps :-)

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